Welcome to St Mark's!
About us...
St Mark's is a friendly and inclusive church in the Anglo-Catholic tradition of the Church of England, where people of all ages and backgrounds come together to worship and grow as God's people.
We have close links with the wider community through the North Tyneside Disability Forum, Shiremoor Primary School and 1st Shiremoor Guides and Scouting Group. We have active and busy groups for young people, including our "Winged Lions" Sunday Club. We also run a lunch club during the week and seek to bring together and support our neighbours near and far.
St Mark’s is the local parish church for Shiremoor, West Allotment, Murton, Moorside, Northumberland Park, Earsdon View and Cobalt Park. We are part of the Diocese of Newcastle, within the Church of England.
You can find out what we've been up to lately by having a look at our Facebook Page.
Why not come and join in by coming along to one of our services or events?
Everyone is always welcome!
Our Values
We believe in Inclusive Church: Church which does not discriminate, on any level,
on grounds of economic power, gender, mental health, physical ability, race or sexuality.
We believe in Church which welcomes and serves all people in the name of Jesus Christ; which is scripturally faithful; which seeks to proclaim the Gospel afresh for each generation; and which, in the power of the Holy Spirit, allows all people to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Jesus Christ.

There are happily lots of children and young people, as well as a number of vulnerable adults, within our community here at St Mark's, so it's important to make sure that everyone is safe and happy. You can find more information about how we look after vulnerable groups, and how to report concerns, on our Safeguarding Page.

​​Baptisms & Weddings
We'd love to talk to you about Baptisms and Weddings at
St Mark's. Why not get in touch?
Newcastle Diocese
You can find out what's going on in the wider Church on the Diocese of Newcastle website.
Priest in Charge
Rev. Dr. Rae Caro
Tel: 07884 192923
Email: rscaro87@gmail.com
Church Wardens
Clive Johnson 07710 723377
Paul Robson 07500 394634
Hall Hire
Tricia Rook - Tel: 07958 530740
Fr Jim Robertson
Tel: 07425 143172